
When it comes to our health most of us know what it takes to keep our bodies in shape. Whether it’s regular exercise, a good diet, drinking plenty of water or reducing our sugar intake, the advice is clear. But what about when it comes to keeping our minds healthy?

Campaigns such as Mental Health Awareness Week are helping to end the stigma surrounding mental health problems and encourage open conversations about emotional wellbeing. At Skyline Events we’re really proud to be able to work closely with charities such as the Mental Health Foundation, Mind and Heads Together. These organisations have been at the forefront of mental health and well-being discussions, governmental policy changes and have helped thousands of people get connected with support services.

The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness week is stress, and with good reason. Research shows that 74% of people in the UK have been so stressed out that they feel unable to cope. It is therefore crucial that we learn the tips and tricks to combat the effects of stress to help us remain in a positive mind-set. *(Research by Mental Health Foundation.)

Stress is something which will affect all of us at some stage in our lives. Whilst we cannot eliminate all of the things we find stressful, we can take simple steps to protect ourselves from being overwhelmed by the demands of modern life.

Here are just a few life hacks to help you get to grips with stress in your everyday life:


Statistically women often find it easier to do this than men. It’s so cliché, but a problem shared really is a problem halved! Talking through your worries with friends, family or a support service will help you to feel supported and more connected to those around you.


Exercise releases endorphins that will help you feel good, improve concentration and get a better night’s sleep. Even if it’s just a short walk or jog, getting outside has so many benefits for our minds.


Down time is important. Whether it’s taking a full lunch break at work, or taking five minutes to yourself with a cuppa. Allow yourself some ‘me time’ in order to de-stress.


Ask others how they are. Caring for people close to you will help to bring you closer together. Friendship is a two way street and your actions could really benefit a friend who might be feeling low. Find out more about mental health support:

