Faces of Blue: Rosetta VanPelt

Rosetta VanPelt husband beachBefore being diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer, I was a normal healthy person who took daily walks with my co-workers on lunch breaks. I ate healthy and lived a stress free and happy life. The only thing I suffered from was constipation, but took daily laxatives.

I had yearly colonoscopies because there were polyps found but they were always benign. I didn’t have any knowledge that something might be wrong, even though the doctor experienced a blockage during one of my colonoscopies and scheduled me for a barium enema; still no sign of colon cancer.

One year later in 2013, I needed a refill on a prescribed laxative Rosetta VanPelt ChristmasI was taking for constipation. My primary care physician wanted me to come in for a check up before writing the prescription. The doctor ordered lab work and found out I was severely anemic and ordered a stool test, which revealed blood in the stool. Long story short, I had another colonoscopy and that’s when I was diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer.

I underwent a colectomy surgery, then 12 rounds of chemotherapy and was in remission for 14 months. In March of 2015, the cancer showed up again in my pelvic area and I went another 12 rounds of chemo. Three months later the cancer attacked my ovaries, I underwent a complete hysterectomy in 2016 and had 12 more rounds of chemo. I was then told I could not come off chemo and would need some type of treatment for the rest of my life and was placed on a maintenance chemo.

Rosetta VanPelt Dallas Cowboys friendsI have a wonderful support team who makes sure I have everything I need and is always praying for a complete healing. My husband and daughter are always by my side, and my son and his family are always adding joy to my life. My doctors and staff are doing an amazing job regarding my health.


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Colon Cancer Coalition
