
Showing posts from April, 2018

NCRI 2017: Dr Gerhardt Attard wins Cancer Research UK Future Leaders Prize

Moving Beyond BMI: Low Muscle Mass May Affect Cancer Survival


Targeting chemotherapy with genetic testing provides effective treatment for women with aggressive breast cancer

Bringing the Investigational Breast Cancer Drug Endoxifen from Bench to Bedside with NCI Support

Modified Stem Cells Deliver Chemotherapy to Metastatic Tumors

NCRI 2017: Big data analysis predicts risk of radiotherapy effects

NCRI 2017: How 3D tumour models grown from patients’ cell samples could improve drug discovery

New on NCI’s Websites for September 2017

Crizotinib Shows Promise for Childhood Cancers

Forgoing Conventional Cancer Treatments for Alternative Medicine Increases Risk of Death

Immunotherapy Drugs Expand Treatment Options for Advanced Lung Cancer

NCRI 2017: Understanding cancer evolution

Special journal issue on structure-based drug design, edited by ICR

CAR T-Cell Therapy Approved for Some Children and Young Adults with Leukemia

NCRI 2017: Take home messages from the conference

MR Linac: first healthy volunteer scanned in pioneering new radiotherapy machine

We hand in petition signed by nearly half a million people to lower screening age

When Two Worlds Collide

Cancer Control in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: A Conversation with Dr. Shobha Srinivasan

More on chemical probes – from Indiana Jones to open science

Faces of Blue: Zachary Dubin


FDA Approves Olaparib as Maintenance Therapy for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

FDA Approves Inotuzumab for Adults with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Long-Term Nerve Damage Possible after Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Researchers find five sub-types of the brain cancer glioma


Take with Food: Study Tests Lowering Dose of Prostate Cancer Drug

Taking time out from cancer research to meet the future King

Overcoming the Challenges of Metastatic Cancer: An Interview with Dr. Rosandra Kaplan

Oysters, Baseball and Stepping Down

FDA Expands Approval of Fulvestrant for Advanced Breast Cancer

Low-Tech Outreach Methods Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening

Gemtuzumab Receives New FDA Approval for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Kids First Pediatric Research Program Moves Forward

Timing and Sequence Critical for Immunotherapy Combination

ICR responds to NICE approval of new breakthrough drugs on the NHS for women with advanced breast cancer

Study Identifies Crucial Characteristic of High-Risk HPV

NCI Expands Repository of Cancer Research Models: A Conversation with Drs. Doroshow and Evrard

Good luck to our #teamICR 2018 London marathon team

Scans could guide drug treatment in breast cancer

Extensive Lymph Node Removal Doesn't Improve Survival in Some Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Climb for A Cure Goes Virtual!

Pembrolizumab Secures FDA Approval in Stomach Cancer

Our world-leading prostate cancer research

Faces of Blue: Amy Johnson

Putting the person in personalised medicine

Keeping it Brief: Short-Term Limited Duration Plans

Copanlisib Approved for Follicular Lymphoma

Brentuximab Approved for Initial Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma

Scientists uncover 80 potential lines of attack against prostate cancer

Professor Johann de Bono given AACR award for outstanding achievement

Q&A with Dr. Darrell Gray for Minority Health Month

Studies Identify Therapies That May Delay Melanoma Recurrence after Surgery

Nivolumab Receives Accelerated Approval from FDA for Advanced Liver Cancer

Advancing Patient Care Through Focused Innovation


ICR fundraisers take part in Climb of Life 30th year celebrations to raise a new record-breaking total

Study Uses Open Data to Analyze “Normal” Tissue Near Tumors

Smoking – particularly if started during adolescence – is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, major new study finds

European Medicines Agency approves abiraterone combined with hormone therapy as first-line treatment for advanced prostate cancer

With FDA Approval for Advanced Lymphoma, Second CAR T-Cell Therapy Moves to the Clinic

ICR researchers attending the 2018 AACR Annual Meeting tomorrow

Abemaciclib Approved by FDA for Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer

TMIST Trial Aims to Provide Clarity on Breast Cancer Screening Approaches

New on NCI’s Websites for November 2017

Assuming the Role of NCI Director: Working to Accelerate Progress

Faces of Blue: Rebeca Busquets Villegas