5 Food and Drink Tips Before the Superhero Run

With one and a half months to go until London’s LARGEST Superhero Run, we know that some of you will be getting started with training for the big day. Of course, the Superhero Run isn’t a competitive race if you don’t want it to be – and we have hundreds of runners each year who enjoy taking it at their own pace – but we thought we’d give you a bit of a guide as how best to eat and drink in the run-up to the Superhero Run. That is, of course, once you’ve digested all of your Easter eggs!

What to eat as you’re preparing for your run

Now you’re beginning your training, it’s time to bring your diet in line with your training regime. Simple steps can make a big difference to your running. Make sure that you’re getting your carbs in, but don’t overdo it – carb-loading is great if you’re doing a marathon but less so for a 5 or 10k. Moderate portions of pasta for your evening meal or bagels for breakfast or lunch are a great way of getting a sensible amount of carbs into your diet.


Do I need to diet?

It’s important to make sure your diet is healthy whilst training but it’s also important not to go overboard – remember, your aim is not to lose weight but to make sure your body is filled with the right nutrients to run at your best.

What to eat after each run

We’ve all been there when after a run you’ve built up a well earnt appetite – but it’s crucial to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of a post-run binge! You should definitely have a small snack within 15 minutes of finishing a run and try to make sure that you eat a full meal within two hours. Carbs and proteins are your priority for rebuilding and repairing after a run.


What to drink when you’re training

The most important advice we can give you when it comes to exercise is – get hydrated and stay hydrated. Before and after a run, as well as during, it is vital to make sure that your body is getting the water that it needs – and this will improve your fitness levels too.

What to eat on the day of the run

On the day of the run, it’s really important that you’re not trying anything out that you haven’t tried before in your training plan – this isn’t the time for surprises! You should be focusing on not filling yourself up too much, but making sure that you’ve got the carbs and protein that you need for your run – porridge is a great breakfast for before a run, or how about a bagel with jam or peanut butter? You should aim to eat at around 7 am so that it’s digested by the time of your run!


The countdown to London’s Superhero Run has begun! We will see you in Regent’s Park on Sunday 13th May and if you haven’t got your spot already – head over to our website here and book today.

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