
Showing posts from March, 2018

Carols from Chelsea 2017: celebrities gather for ICR flagship fundraising event

Prior Cancers Common in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Cancer

Faces of Blue: Jennifer Ortega

Important step towards MR Linac radiotherapy for lung cancer

Addressing career inequalities in cancer research

MRI could detect signs of more aggressive breast cancers

Brentuximab Vedotin Approved for Two Rare Lymphomas

Delay in reforming European rules could deny thousands of children access to latest cancer drugs

Accelerating returns: sequencing our genomes


NCI: Taking Risks to Advance Science

Genomic Profiling Tests Cleared by FDA Can Help Guide Cancer Treatment, Clinical Trial Enrollment

Colossal Colon Photos from Conway, AR Visit

New on NCI’s Websites for December 2017

Faces of Blue: Dr. Joaquin Estrada

5 Food and Drink Tips Before the Superhero Run

Fusobacterium May Help Colorectal Cancer Grow and Spread

The 2012 Colondar is Here!

Gift Guide for the Colon Cancer Survivor

Higher Risk of Heart Failure Seen in Some Cancers

2013 Colondar Model Applications

Forging Military Partnerships to Empower the Cancer Research Enterprise

Meet Mr. January 2012 – David Dubin

'Virtual tumours' predict success of tumour-heating sound waves

Meet Miss February 2012 – Belle Piazza


Announcing the 2013 Models!

Fundraiser ‘Hollywood’ Dave runs an incredible 11 marathons for the ICR this year

Meet Mr. March 2012 | Roger Rojas

Can we be satisfied with progress on children’s cancer?

Faces of Blue: Cindy Sharma

Meet Mr. April – Dan Wilson

Unique Trial Aims to Decrease Early Deaths in Patients with Rare Leukemia

Drug Combination Improves Outlook for Some Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Meet Ms. May – Connie Belden

Meet Ms. June – Kim Hall Jackson

Acupuncture May Reduce Treatment-Related Joint Pain for Breast Cancer Patients

Faces of Blue: Ilene Mastrangelo

Test reveals which breast cancer patients may benefit from targeted therapy

Irrigation: It’s Not Just For Crops Anymore!

Incidence of Cancers of the Lower Stomach Increasing among Younger Americans

Celebrating Success — Another Milestone Achieved!

Nilotinib Can Be Discontinued in Some Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

Meet Mr. July – Tim Maiorca

Cancerversary – When Is It?

Many Men with Penile Cancer Do Not Get Recommended Treatments, Study Finds

Meet Miss August | Melissa Bates

Virus could treat brain tumours by boosting immune system

Scientists bring innovative microbeam radiation therapy for cancer treatment a step closer

From nerdy kid to cancer research imaging pioneer – profiling the ICR’s Professor Jeff Bamber

The ICR responds to the FDA approval of olaparib for women with BRCA-mutant​​ advanced breast cancer

Faces of Blue: Kara Mathews

Musings on my patient/caregiver relationship

Women report fewer adverse side-effects from partial or reduced breast radiotherapy, reveals major study

A Jarring Ride Back to Reality

ICR PhD student chosen to speak at joint UK-India conference

Faces of Blue: Deborah Ward-Johnstone

Meet Mr. September | Adam Benlon

Study Finds Biological Differences in Lung Tumors of African Americans and Whites

Meet Ms. October | Staci Wills

The Challenging Landscape of Cancer and Aging: Charting a Way Forward

Meet Miss November | Paige Hartmann

Meet Miss December | Reagan Barnett

The ICR and Cancer Research UK join forces with leading science and technology company in new drug discovery alliance

EM Imaging announce Bowel Cancer UK and Beating Bowel Cancer as charity partner